Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Banish Clutter Forever by Sheila Chandra 648.8 Cha

Another organizational book for me to read and ponder! Two important points struck me as I read this book. First of all I was given hope when Chandra explained the "Toothbrush Principle". Simply put, it refers to the fact that even the most disorganized person doesn't lose his toothbrush. He knows where to find it in the morning because he magically put it away the night before in a place that it belongs! Of course all of the organizing books talk about putting things away in the right place.....but when it comes to the toothbrush everyone actually does it! The other point was where to begin the "big clean out". Most of us are drawn to the worse part of the house because it will make the biggest impact quickly. But Chandra said something that made a lot of sense. Start with the far away places like the basement or attic. These are the places that will you will take the things that don't really need to be in your bedroom, living room, bathroom etc. So when you declutter the kitchen you will have an organized place to take that turkey platter that you only use once a year. It made a lot of sense. And if you were wondering, I am in the midst of 'downsizing' my junk, decluttering my drawers and closets. I have another Clutter book at home waiting for me too! Just love them!

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