Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hush by Kate White

This was a quick read. It was a type of thriller. There are two story-lines going on. The first is the divorce proceedings that Lake Warren is going through with soon-to-be ex hubby, Jack. It has been hard enough on Lake but now her lawyer informs her that Jack is going to try for full custody. He assures her that she hasn't much to worry about since she appears to be a good mother to her two kids. He just reminds her to be extra vigilant concerning her personal life - because Jack does have the financial means to have her followed....and you just never know! So what does Lake do? It starts with an innocent group dinner with the people from the Fertility Clinic where she is doing some marketing consulting. But Dr. Keaton, who has been flirting with her a bit, secretly suggests she come to his place around the corner for a nightcap. Well, one thing leads to another and yes she spends the night. After all, her kids are at camp and who will ever know? As luck would have it, Lake is awake in the night and goes out on the terrace where she falls asleep. When she wakes up and returns to the bedroom she finds her lover has been murdered. A little far fetched? Yes. Still it was an entertaining book.

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