Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova

I listened to this book and became so involved in the story that I watched the Olympics with the sound off so that I could continue listening! It started out a little slow but then the mystery grew and grew. Andrew Marlow is a psychiatrist who is also an artist outside of his day job. A colleague refers a patient named Robert Oliver. Oliver was arrested at the National Gallery for trying to slash a painting. Because Oliver is a renowned artist, it is thought that perhaps Marlow will have better luck with him. Oliver talks briefly on his first day at the clinic but then becomes totally mute. Marlow brings in art supplies to Oliver in an attempt to reach him. Oliver sketches and paints the same woman over and over. To unravel the mystery of this woman, Marlow becomes involved (and crosses a few professional lines!) in Oliver's life - meeting with his ex-wife and his ex-lover. The story ping pongs back and forth between the present and late 19th century France. It was a bit long but I really enjoyed it. Several times I thought I had the story figured out..... actually I think some of my ideas were pretty good for a mystery book!
Probably not a book for a lot of people, but if you like a long book with lots of intersecting stories, check it out!

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