Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Unbearable Lightness of Scones by Alexander McCall Smith

This is another installment of the series called 44 Scotland Street, set in Edinburgh. I have never read any of the print books - just listened to the audio versions, and the reader does a terrific job with the different voices. These books are a bit like a soap opera. There is a cast of characters whose lives we follow. My favorite is precocious 6 year old Bertie with his overbearing mother and spineless father. Of course I also love Cyril ( in the last book he was involved in an unplanned pregnancy). In this book Cyril's owner, Angus, is trying to find homes for all the puppies. Mathew has gotten married and is trying to get used to having a partner that impacts his daily life. I find these books to be a wonderful escape from the heavier books I usually read.
If this sounds like something you would enjoy, I highly recommend that you start at the beginning of the series and read them in order. I am not usually rigid in reading books in order, but you really need to in order to follow the adventures of all of the characters.

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