Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Things that Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley

This was a scary book. While I was reading it, I wasn't afraid of terrorists or earthquakes or serial murderers - no I was afraid someone would sneeze on me! This is a story about H5N1. After all the scenarios I saw on programs about the effects of a pandemic, this book really brought into focus what could happen. Ann and Peter Brooks are in the midst of a divorce. They are struggling to keep a civil relationship during the separation for the sake of their two daughters. When the H5N1 hits the Midwest, they are forced to work together and try to survive. There was not one scene in this book that seemed blown out of proportion or put in the book for shock value. I could easily imagine the pandemic happening exactly like this story. This was a fast read because it was so gripping - I finished at 1:30 am. Read it if you dare!

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