Monday, March 22, 2010

Tinsel by Hank Stuever 976.4 Stu

Stuever is a journalist who took on this very interesting project -the story of Christmas in Frisco, Texas whose population has been exploding during the last decade. He begins the book on Black Friday in the wee hours of the morning. Waiting in line at Best Buy, he meets Carroll a single mother of two. She becomes one of the people whom he tracks during the season. We also follow Tammie who loves Christmas and spreads the joy by decorating other people's houses as a seasonal job. There there the Trykoski family, Jeff and Bridgette who would give Clark Griswold in The National Lampoon movie a run for his money.
Stuever begins this project in 2006 and people are spending plenty of money. It ends in 2008 and we all know that things changed quite a bit during that time.
I found it a very interesting read. Christmas does very strange things to us and I liked being a voyeuse to the "Christmas Lives" of these people. I wish he had a sequel to this book because I would like to know what Christmas was like in '09 for these people!

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