Thursday, April 15, 2010

Weeping Underwater Looks a Lot Like Laughter by Michael J. White

This will be a mixed review. I absolutely loved reading this book with the reference to Des Moines and Davenport. I don't know why I get such a kick out of that but I do! In my opinion the book was well-written and the characters were believable. George moves with his family from Davenport to Des Moines. So here he is in a new town without friends. Fortunately he meets Emily who is an aspiring actress and stars in all the high school plays. He falls for her but never says anything because she obviously wants to keep it on a friendship level. So they become best friends and George is drawn into Emily's world. A big part of that world is Emily's sister, Katie, who suffers from a rare case of juvenile multiple sclerosis.
This is a "coming of age" novel - and I really don't care for that genre! But if you do, I think you will like this book.

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