Wednesday, June 26, 2013

from the kitchen of half truth by Maria Goodin FIC Goo

This is a debut novel and I thought it was great!  Meg is enjoying her life in the city and her boyfriend, Mark.  When the novel opens Mark is waiting with Meg at the train station.  She is going home to see her sick mother, Val.  Meg adores her mother - except for one thing.  She never answers questions.  For instance, the only thing Meg knows about her father is that he died in a tragic pastry-mixing accident. (really?????)  Any questions about her early life are answered with silly stories - like taking hot dogs for a walk or watching the runner beans chase one another around the kitchen.  So Meg really has no memories but her stories made her popular with her friends.  But only for a while and then they scorned her for saying such things.  Meg rejects anything to do with fantasy and becomes interested only in scientific things.  Now she has to find a way to make her mom tell her the truth before it is too late.  Here is a quote from the back of the book:"        From the Kitchen of Half Truth explores the stories we tell ourselves and others in order to create the lives we want."  I really liked it! 

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