Monday, June 10, 2013

Until I Say Good-bye by Susan Spencer-Wendel 616.83 Spe

You won't get through this book without your eyes at least leaking a bit.  You also will smile and perhaps laugh out loud from time to time.  You will definitely be inspired by Susan Spencer-Wendel.  For those of you who may not know, Lou Gehrig was an outstanding baseball player who began losing use of his muscles.  When he said good-bye to baseball he gave a great speech out in center field.  And he said that he was 'the luckiest guy in the world'.  That disease, ALS, is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.  In her early forties Susan began to notice some symptoms and was diagnosed with ALS.  She was happily married with three kids and a career in journalism.  Instead of complaining she decided to live her final (semi-) healthy year with joy!  As the symptoms progressed things became more difficult but it is absolutely amazing what she did during that year.  A wonderful story!

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