Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Heaven is For Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo (and family)

I am always drawn to books about the afterlife. This one is particularly chilling (in a good way!). Todd Burpo is a pastor (also a coach, volunteer fireman and owner of a garage door company) in Nebraska. It has been a tough year for the pastor and his family (a wife and two kids). Todd shattered a leg (playing on a ball team!), had two surgeries, kidney stones and a cancer scare thrown in for good measure. Hoping that all of the bad things were behind them, the family was looking forward to a trip to Colorado. Todd had to go for a meeting and they decided to turn it into a fun trip. Four-year-old Colton starts getting sick - very sick. Eventually they find out that his appendix had burst and he is rushed to surgery. After he has recovered (which was actually a miracle in itself), they are on another family trip when Todd makes a reference to the Dr. who had operated on Colton. Colton starts talking about what his parents were doing during the operation.........and he was right. As the months past Colton will often make references to that time in the hospital when he left his body and traveled to heaven.
Although not for everyone, I found this book to be fascinating and uplifting.

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